Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning: Which One Offers Better Customization Options ?

11 min read




Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning are two prominent versions of the widely acclaimed CRM solution, Salesforce. Customization options play a pivotal role in shaping the Salesforce experience, allowing organizations to adapt the platform to their unique business requirements. In this blog post, we will explore the distinct features and capabilities of Salesforce Classic and Lightning, focusing on the customization options they offer.

Salesforce Classic, which has been the foundation of the platform for years, with its comprehensive set of tools and functionalities, Classic has established itself as a reliable and widely adopted interface across industries. There are many customization options available in Classic, such as the ability to tailor page layouts, create custom objects and fields, implement workflows and approval processes, and build custom reports and dashboards.  

Salesforce Lightning is a modern and visually appealing interface designed to enhance user experience and productivity. Lightning brings forth a more intuitive and responsive design, along with new components and features. There are enhanced customization options available in Lightning, including the Lightning App Builder for creating custom applications, Lightning Components for building modular and reusable elements, advanced page layout customization, and the streamlined process automation of Lightning Flow.



Salesforce Classic serves as the foundational interface of the Salesforce platform. Its interface exhibits a familiar and user-friendly design, which has been widely adopted and embraced by businesses for years. A wide range of features and tools provided by Classic enables businesses to manage client data, automate business procedures, and gather insightful information. Users navigate Classic through a tab-based layout, allowing them to easily access various modules such as accounts, leads, opportunities, and more.

Salesforce Classic provides users with a range of customization options to tailor the platform according to their specific needs. These customization options include:

Customizing page layouts: With Salesforce Classic, users can modify page layouts to align with their unique business processes. They can rearrange fields, add custom fields, and define the visibility and order of components on a page. This flexibility enables users to optimize their workspace and streamline data entry and retrieval.

Creating custom objects and fields: In Salesforce Classic, users have the ability to create custom objects and fields, which are essential for capturing and organizing data specific to their business requirements. Custom objects provide a means to structure and store data related to specialized business processes, while custom fields allow for the collection of unique information.

Implementing workflows and approval processes: Classic offers a robust workflow engine, empowering users to automate repetitive tasks and define business rules. By setting up workflows, users can automate the assignment of tasks, trigger email notifications, and create field updates based on predefined criteria. Additionally, Classic allows for implementing approval processes, enabling organizations to establish streamlined approval workflows for various business scenarios.

Building custom reports and dashboards: Salesforce Classic provides users with the capability to create custom reports and dashboards, facilitating data analysis and visualization. Users can generate reports by selecting specific fields, applying filters, and grouping data to gain valuable insights into their business performance. Dashboards provide a way to showcase current data visually, using charts, graphs, and tables to give a comprehensive view of essential metrics and trends.

Benefits and limitations of customization in Salesforce Classic: Customization in Salesforce Classic offers several benefits, including the ability to align the platform with specific business processes and requirements. By tailoring page layouts, creating custom objects and fields, implementing workflows, and building custom reports and dashboards, organizations can optimize their Salesforce experience and improve productivity.

However, a few restrictions are there. Classic’s customization capabilities are often considered more rigid compared to its Lightning counterpart. The user interface, though familiar, may not provide the same level of visual appeal and modernity as Lightning. Additionally, advanced features and functionalities introduced in Lightning may not be available in Classic, limiting the scope of customization in certain areas.

Understanding the capabilities and limitations of customization in Salesforce Classic is crucial for organizations seeking to leverage its potential. By recognizing its strengths and considering its limitations, businesses can make informed decisions when evaluating their customization requirements within the Classic interface.



Salesforce Lightning Experience represents a modern and visually appealing interface that offers enhanced customization capabilities. This program aims to improve user experience inside the Salesforce ecosystem by streamlining and improving usability. With its sleek design and improved user interface, Lightning Experience is geared towards maximizing productivity and user engagement.

Salesforce Lightning brings forth a range of advanced customization options that empower organizations to tailor the platform to their specific needs. These options include:

Lightning App Builder for creating custom applications: Lightning App Builder is a powerful tool that enables users to build custom applications with drag-and-drop ease. It provides a visual interface where users can assemble components, define navigation, and design application layouts. This capability allows businesses to create personalized applications tailored to their unique workflows and processes.

Lightning Components for building modular and reusable elements: Lightning Components offer a modular and reusable approach to customization in Salesforce. UUsers may develop dynamic and interactive user interfaces by employing custom components they’ve created using a mix of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This flexibility enables organizations to create tailored solutions with granular control over the user experience.

Enhanced page layout customization in Lightning: Lightning Experience offers an enhanced page layout customization experience compared to Classic. Users can leverage the Lightning App Builder to easily modify page layouts, rearrange components, and customize the overall look and feel. The flexibility provided by Lightning’s page layout customization empowers organizations to create more intuitive and efficient user interfaces.

Lightning Flow for streamlined process automation: Lightning Flow is a powerful tool for streamlining and automating business processes in Salesforce. It allows users to create interactive and guided experiences for data entry, approvals, and complex workflows. Lightning Flow provides a visual interface for designing and orchestrating these processes, offering a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Customization in Salesforce Lightning comes with several advantages. The modern and visually appealing interface enhances user engagement and productivity. The Lightning App Builder, Lightning Components, enhanced page layout customization, and Lightning Flow offer more flexibility and control over the customization process. These features enable organizations to create tailored and intuitive user experiences, improving efficiency and user adoption.

However, it is essential to consider certain factors when opting for customization in Lightning. Migrating from Classic to Lightning may require additional effort and planning, especially when dealing with existing customizations. Some features and functionalities available in Classic may not be fully compatible or available in Lightning, requiring a reevaluation of customization strategies. Additionally, training and user adoption may need to be prioritized to ensure a smooth transition to Lightning Experience.

Understanding the advantages and considerations of customization in Salesforce Lightning is crucial for organizations looking to leverage its enhanced capabilities. By weighing the benefits and considering the potential challenges, businesses can make informed decisions when determining their customization approach within the Lightning Experience interface.


User interface and navigation differences between Classic and Lightning: One significant aspect to consider when comparing customization options in Salesforce Classic and Lightning is the user interface and navigation. Classic features a familiar tab-based interface that users have been accustomed to for years.

Lightning, on the other hand, presents a more modern and visually appealing interface with a dynamic and responsive layout. It employs a navigation bar, utility bar, and app launcher to offer users a streamlined and efficient navigation experience.

Evaluating customization ease and flexibility in Classic and Lightning: When it comes to customization, businesses should give scalability and future-proofing significant thought for long-term Salesforce investments. With its point-and-click interface, Classic offers a simple modification experience and is usable by people with little technical knowledge.

However, Lightning takes customization to a new level with its Lightning App Builder and Lightning Components. These tools provide a modular and flexible approach, empowering users to create personalized applications and develop reusable components while maintaining extensive control over the user interface.

Examining scalability and future-proofing in customization: When it comes to customization, organizations should carefully consider scalability and future-proofing for long-term investments in Salesforce.

Classic has demonstrated its scalability over time, with many businesses effectively customizing the platform to adapt to their changing requirements.

Nonetheless, Salesforce’s focus on Lightning Experience indicates that Lightning is the platform’s future direction, prompting organizations to factor this into their decision-making process. By choosing Lightning, organizations can ensure their customizations align with the ongoing development and innovation within the Salesforce ecosystem.

Integration capabilities and third-party app compatibility: Integration capabilities and compatibility with third-party apps are essential aspects to consider when comparing customization options. Classic has a vast ecosystem of apps and integrations built around its interface, ensuring a wide range of compatibility options.

However, with the growing popularity of Lightning, many new integrations and apps are specifically designed for the Lightning Experience. Organizations should evaluate their integration requirements and assess the availability and compatibility of third-party solutions in both Classic and Lightning.

User adoption and training considerations for each version: Successful customization depends not only on the capabilities of the platform but also on user adoption and training. Classic has the advantage of familiarity, as many users are already comfortable with its interface and navigation.

Transitioning to Lightning may require additional training and change management efforts to ensure a smooth adoption process.

Organizations should consider the impact on their users, assess their readiness for change, and plan appropriate training and support to facilitate a successful transition to Lightning.

By examining the user interface, customization ease and flexibility, scalability, integration capabilities, and user adoption considerations, organizations can make informed decisions when comparing customization options in Salesforce Classic and Lightning. It is essential to align these factors with specific business requirements and objectives to determine which version offers better customization opportunities for the modern Salesforce experience.



Determine your organization’s primary demands and business objectives before choosing between Salesforce Classic and Lightning customization. Take into account the precise features, procedures, and workflows essential to your firm’s smooth functioning. Consider how important data management, automation, reporting, and user experience are to attaining your company objectives. By being aware of your particular needs, you can match them up with the customizing possibilities provided by both Classic and Lightning.

Taking into account the benefits and drawbacks of Salesforce Classic and Lightning customization: Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of Salesforce Classic vs Lightning customization is crucial for making an informed choice. Considering elements like user interface, customization possibilities, scalability, integration choices, and user acceptance concerns, analyze the benefits and drawbacks of each version. Analyze the effects on sustainability over the long run, productivity, and efficiency. You may more clearly determine whether the version fits the demands of your company by weighing the advantages and downsides objectively.

Recommendations based on different use cases and scenarios: Different use cases and scenarios may call for different customization approaches. Consider the specific needs of your organization, industry, and business processes. For organizations seeking a familiar and straightforward customization experience, Salesforce Classic may be the preferred choice. It provides a solid, well-proven platform with several customisation options. However, for organizations looking for a more modern and flexible customization experience, Salesforce Lightning may be the better fit. Lightning’s enhanced customization capabilities and future-proofing align well with organizations aiming for a visually appealing and scalable Salesforce experience.

It is crucial to remember that choosing between Classic and Lightning customization is not always a black-or-white option. Some companies could benefit from progressively switching from Classic to Lightning in order to make use of both versions’ strengths. This hybrid strategy enables a staggered transfer, giving users time to adjust and take advantage of the additional customization opportunities in Lightning while keeping current modifications in Classic.

The choice should ultimately be based on a careful assessment of your organization’s needs, taking into account elements like usability, scalability, customization flexibility, integration potential, and user acceptance. You may choose the level of customisation that will best meet your company’s requirements and deliver a cutting-edge, personalized Salesforce experience for enhanced business results by carefully evaluating these factors.



Both Salesforce Classic and Lightning provide substantial customization possibilities, each with unique advantages and factors to take into account. Making an informed selection that is in line with your organization’s objectives and offers a contemporary Salesforce experience catered to your needs requires carefully assessing your organization’s requirements, calculating the benefits and drawbacks, and taking various use cases into account. You have the ability to design a specialized and effective CRM system that empowers your team, increases productivity, and fosters business expansion using Salesforce’s extensive customization features.


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